What Is Your Message?

I have a dream!

This was how Reverend Martin Luther King began his speech in August 1963.  

We all have dreams of what we would like our life to be like.

What is yours?

Is there something getting in the way of you achieving your dreams?

You might hear (or say) things like - 

I don't have enough time to do what I need to do OR I don't have enough skills OR I don't have enough money to pursue that dream OR Other people have got more knowledge/ skill/ talent OR What will other people say or think if I try and do that? OR Who am I  to do that? I am just me.

(I have said all of these!)

Want to hear the real truth though?  

None of these things is actually stopping you from achieving your dreams and goals. 

The ONLY thing getting in the way is YOU - YOURSELF. That's it!

We are conditioned from a very young age that we have to be, act and speak a particular way for others to be okay with us. But then we become adults who are disconnected from our true heart-centred selves and are constantly searching for that dream we had when we were younger. 

If you have a dream of how you want your life to be or what you want your life to look like then it is up to you to keep that vision and take the action. 

Other people will talk. I promise you! But what they say has nothing to do with you! They will judge and tell you that you are wasting your time and energy and say things like 'Who do you think you are to try and do this?' 

It takes courage and true vision to ignore those people and continue to take action to get your message out there!

You have to decide what your message to the world is. Your journey to where you are right now, at this moment, contains your message. 

Don't underestimate the power of your message and who it can impact.


It is important to speak your truth. We will not convince everyone else of it because everyone must make up their own minds but we must speak it anyway.

 Don't limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind can take you. What you believe you can achieve. We are so conditioned to putting limits on ourselves and what we think we are capable of achieving. The reality is - we truly are limitless!

 There will be a moment in your journey where you will decide who you are and who you want to be. That moment will change the direction of your life towards your dream.

 We get in our way by trying to control the outcome and making assumptions. We make assumptions about what other people will say or do or how they will respond or react and let's face it...those assumptions are not usually positive! Stop trying to control the outcome and stop making assumptions and just know your message is important enough for the right people to hear it!

 Life wants you to win. We just need to let go of the life we planned so we can accept the one that is waiting for us. Sometimes what we think we want in life isn't actually the thing we want or need. 

 Just create a simple plan and get moving. Stop over thinking and over analysing. If you have a dream and a vision - just start with baby steps. 


How do we teach our little humans to embrace their dreams, find their voice and be courageous enough to share their message?

 Teach them the language to use when it comes to any kind of challenge. Why are we putting limitations on them? Yes, we want them to be cautious when approaching some challenges in life, but we also want them to know that there really are no limitations on any area of life and it really is about getting control of our mind. The older we get, the harder it becomes so start as young as you can. Teach the language that empowers them to continue to grow and move forward.

 Help them understand that not everyone is going to agree with what you say and do and that is okay. It's alright to do things the way you want. There is no map in life, no blueprints for survival. You can create your world day by day if you have a clear vision and an unwillingness to not give up. Other people will say and do what they want. Some will agree, some won't. But be courteous, respectful and keep on going.

  You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way! If your journey in life and your message to share is strong enough, it doesn't matter how long it takes, how much effort is required, how much resilience and persistence is needed - you will keep going until your voice is heard. 

 Just be yourself. There is not one other person on this planet that has had exactly the same experiences as you. There is not one person on this planet whose journey has been exactly the same as yours. Your message stems from your journey. You are the only one who can share it.

If you don't share your message - who will? No one knows it better than you!

Don't underestimate the power of your personal message.


Until next week...remember to step out of your own way!

Clarissa xo



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