This message is loud and clear everywhere we turn.
And yet, in our day to day actions, we still hear and see others doing or saying unkind things - kids and adults alike.
Being kind is not complicated.
But where do we start?
Everyone I know, everyone I meet - while our experiences in lives are different and varied, our worries, concerns and struggles are the same. We ALL have the same thoughts and ask ourselves the SAME questions. Every single person on the planet.
Am I good enough?
Am I enough?
Am I worthy of ~
Am I loved?
Do I have enough time?
Do I have enough money?
What if I get it wrong?
We are all aware that other people have struggles. We are all aware that we don't know the ins and outs of what is happening in people's day to day lives, other than our own.
And yet...we live in a society that, while we are definitely getting better, we are still wrapped up in our own problems and struggles and sometimes forget that other people have their own. It's okay to focus on our own lives. Don't get me wrong. It is necessary and important.
But when we shift our focus from our own problems to helping someone else or giving someone else a moment of our time and taking a moment to be kind, we can make a BIG difference in the life we are connecting to.
I will be the first to admit that it is easy to get caught up in our own day to day drama of life - what we have to do after work, what we need to get done during the day, what do I need to get organised for dinner, where you need to take the kids after school, how am I going to fit it all in?!
Perhaps it is time for us to take a breath and a step back and stop for a moment.
Perhaps it is time to recognise that we have a life that is beautiful and incredible and that even with our struggle, life has such incredible beauty in it and we can contribute to it even more.
Perhaps learning and practising being kind are MORE important than being right and getting everything right.
Perhaps what the world needs and what people need is NOT a brilliant mind but a special heart that simply takes the time to stop and listen.
Perhaps it is time to begin being more mindful of how we speak our truth to others. It is possible to be both honest and kind.
I feel (and I am no different) that we live in a world now, where everyone feels entitled to share their opinion in whatever form they see fit, regardless of the impact it has on others. We are certainly entitled to our own opinions! It would be a boring place to live if we all thought the same thing and had the same views!
Whenever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. A little bit of kindness goes a long way.
I think sometimes we overcomplicate things! (Who me? Never!!) But an act of kindness does not have to be big. It does not have to be a grand gesture. It does not have to be filmed and put on YouTube! It can be found in the simplicities of our day to day interactions.
Every act of kindness benefits the giver as well as the receiver. It's like the whole gift giving at Christmas time. You get just as excited by watching someone else opening your gift to them, as much as you do opening their gift to you. It is in the act of giving that we find joy!
The dictionary definition of kindness is:
~ the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate
Kindness is not JUST an act. We act on the qualities that we have within us.
It is about using those qualities of friendliness, generosity and consideration to understand someone else's journey and to act in a way that brings joy to a moment in their day.
People often forget that kindness is free.
Kindness is not weakness. It takes thought, consideration effort and work. Kindness is not the easy way out. It is the RIGHT way - every time.
So where do we start and how do we teach our kids about being kind?
It starts with us - as adults. We set the standard and the example of how we want our kids to act and treat people.
Harsh Reality: The kids who struggle the most with treating others with kindness are the ones who are watching their parents using a lack of kindness to other adults.
We can not complain about children's lack of empathy and kindness if we are not checking in with our ourselves first.
The bottom line is with us - teachers and parents. Set the standard. Raise the bar. Be kind and thoughtful in your interactions with other adults AND those in your care.
Show THEN Teach
If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it.
Be genuine and real.
Ask if someone if they would like help with something (in class, out of class, at home, if you see someone struggling to hold something or drop something, cleaning up, holding the door - doesn't need to be complicated!)
A simple greeting or compliment, say 'Thank you', tell someone they are doing a great job
A warm smile
Be encouraging!
Using someone's name (if you know it!)
Be a problem solver - see if there is a way to help with a problem
Listening when someone is speaking to you, instead of looking at your phone or thinking of your to-do list or looking distracted
Kindness the most valuable gift you will ever give someone
One kind word can change someone's entire day. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Be sure to taste your words (think about them) before you spit them out.
Be bold, brave and brilliant in all of your interactions.
Until next week...may your week be filled with kindness and joy,
Clarissa xo
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